Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Truth About Christmas

How would you feel if you were to find out that some of the most important people in your life had lied to you? I am sure you would be very upset possibly even angry. You may even find that you could no longer trust them. Am I right?

The pain and disappointment are felt even worse when we learn it from our own parents or adults we have looked up to our entire lives. We as parents have a right to teach and instill in our children the basic need to search for “TRUTH” in all aspects of life.

We cannot allow ourselves nor our children, whom we are responsible for sending out into the world later, to be brain-washed or just be lazy and believe whatever is thrown our way.
Sadly the majority of the world is lazy and does not want to seek out the truth of anything, especially in regards celebrations and entertainment. Because once the truth is made known to them, they will either find that it put a ‘damper’ on the whole subject or they dismiss the truth altogether for selfish reasons.

The bottom line is that the truth is the truth and as President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated “Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.” With that being said, you can celebrate Christmas all you want, it does not make it right. You can say its for Jesus all you want, but the origins have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. This blog is to reveal the truth about Christmas and then you can make your own educated decision based on the facts.

When many look to origins of certain words, language and even rituals or holidays they often look to the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians and even the Druids and Celts. But what strikes me as odd is that they were not the original civilizations, ancient Babylon was. They were the original world empire that actually taught the Romans, Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks and all the other small tribes of people their culture and religion. It was ancient Mesopotamian beliefs and cultures that transformed the very civilizations we know today in Roman, Greek and Egyptian history.

Perhaps in another article I will explain further on that subject, but back to the Christmas link we find that according to Babylonian belief, December was a time of the year that the queen goddess was worshiped in honor of the birth of her son. The Romans adopted this ritual and used the name “Christ” as the son of the queen to appease the Christians to draw them into conforming to the newly established Catholic Church and it kept the pagan ritual of “Mother-son worship” in line. You see, “Mother-son worship” has been going on way before Jesus was even born, so if you think Christmas is about Jesus you are mistaken.


During the pagan Saturnalia and Matronalia ceremonial celebrations gifts were given to one another. Even in Egypt this was the same time that they worshiped Isis’ birth in the winter time. (Isis and Osiris also originate from Babylon and the “Mother-son worship” as Isis was known as the mother, while Osiris was her son and also her husband).

Christmas Trees- 

In Rome and Egypt, Christmas trees or celebratory trees were common. However, in Egypt the tree was a palm tree and Rome used fir trees. Palm tree worship was a ritualistic worship to the pagan Babylonian god Baal-Tamar. While the fir tree was for the pagan god Baal-Berith.


The Druids derived their pagan superstitions from ancient Babylon as well. Mistletoe was considered the “man branch” that was considered a divine branch that grew from nothing onto a tree. We all know now that mistletoe is a form of fungus that grows on certain trees, however the Druids believed in their superstitions that it was a branch from Heaven and thus they later referred to the mistletoe to being from their messiah. 

Christmas Goose or Boar’s Head- 

In England that is a standard dish during the Christmas season, however during the time of the year the Egyptians, Romans and even the Saxons used these animals as a sacrifice to their pagan gods.

Yule Day-

In ancient Babylon the Chaldean word for “yule” means “infant” and the date of December 25th was considered “Yule Day”. The night after “Yule Day” was considered “Mother Night.” Remember, this was long before Jesus or Mary was ever born, this is not referring to Jesus in any way. 

Many other groups of peoples such as the Sabeans of Arabia and the Saxons believe December to be the “birth month” of the Sun Goddess, or “Goddess Mother” while others believe that it was the birth month of the Moon, who was considered a male. Always the male deity would be referred to as a “son” and the woman as the “mother”.

In “The Trouble With Christmas”, author Tom Flynn explains that the conclusions he reached after years spent researching Christmas was far from Christian.

"One of the great ironies of Christmas is how little of its content is truly Christian. Once we dispose of the pre-Christian elements, most of what remains is post-Christian, rather than authentically Christian, in origin."—Page 155.

The Encyclopedia Americana says: "Most of the customs now associated with Christmas were not originally Christmas customs but rather were pre-Christian and non-Christian customs taken up by the Christian church.”
Jesus, the Nativity and Mary- 

According to a Catholic Newspaper,"The real date of Jesus’ birth, from the historical viewpoint, lies concealed beneath a veil of uncertainty as regards Roman history, the imperial census of that time and research in the subsequent centuries. . . . The date of 25 December, as is well known, was chosen by the Church of Rome in the fourth century. This date in pagan Rome was dedicated to the Sun god . . . Although Christianity had already been affirmed in Rome by an Edict of Constantine, the myth of . . . the Sun god was still widespread, especially among soldiers. The above-mentioned festivities, centered on 25 December, were deeply rooted in popular tradition. This gave the Church of Rome the idea of impressing a Christian religious significance on the day by replacing the Sun god with the true Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ, choosing it as the day on which to celebrate his birth.”

Christmas or the Nativity, was not celebrated by early Christians. One encyclopedia says about this: "The celebration was not observed in the first centuries of the Christian church, since the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather than their birth.” 

It is a fact that Jesus could not have been born in December as the region of Bethlehem was very cold and shepherds would not be out in the fields with their flocks. As many know that the reason that Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem was for the Census. This fact and the fact that the shepherds** were out doors with their flocks at night left even the most revered Bible Scholars to conclude that Jesus could not have been born in December. Even Caesar himself would not have forced the Jews to trek to their home cities during cold and rainy seasons which would have resulted in further enraging this group of people.

So in my conclusion, I believe I have outlined many of the pagan origins of what many believe to be a Christian holiday. You may choose to ignore what I have placed before your eyes, and you may actually listen to what I have to say. The best part of being a human being is that you may believe what you wish. After all, we do have free will. The truth isn’t always easy to swallow, but it is there and most of the time its hidden in plain sight. You just have to be willing and open minded enough to see it.-

(footnote: **Luke 2:8 “There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.”)

J'aime Rubio (2011 Copyright)
Encyclopedia Americana
Catholic Newspaper
Two Babylons- Alexander Hislop
Christmas Customs- Are they Christian?- Magazine Article
The Trouble With Christmas- Tom Flynn

EASTER- Do You Really Know The Truth About It?

If you were to dive into the backgrounds of many holidays, you would see that most have pagan origins. The holiday known as Easter would not be an exception. When you think of Easter you probably think of bunny rabbits, baskets filled with goodies, chocolate, painted eggs and pastel colors. Many think Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let me inform, this is not. Easter has absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus or any other true Christian customs.

To start out, true Christians know that Jesus wanted us to remember him, not by his birthday and not by the day he was resurrected. He wanted us to remember him and honor him on the day he died. NISAN 14 is the day that Jesus celebrated with his Apostles the ‘Lord’s Evening Meal’ in order to celebrate the Passover. The origin of the Passover Feast was derived from the night that God's angel swept over Egypt and killed the first born of anyone who did not have the blood of the lamb over their doorposts. This was the last of the 10 plagues of Egypt.

Jesus celebrated that 'Passover' with his Apostles but he gave a new commandment to celebrate this night in remembrance of him. Because days started at sundown to sundown that night of NISAN 14 still continued to the next day at sundown, the day Jesus died. That is why true Christians celebrate NISAN 14, not Easter. Easter is an entirely different subject and is days after NISAN 14.

Even the ancient ecclesiastical historian Socrates stated this, “Thus much already laid down may seem a sufficient treatise to prove that the celebration of the feast of Easter began everywhere more of custom than by any commandment either of Christ or any Apostle." It was obvious from times passed that the Christian Religion and that of many pagan customs would become so intertwined with one another that it would be almost impossible to pull apart and dissect the truth out of them.

First and foremost, the tradition of Easter goes back thousands of years all the way back to Babylonian customs and mythology. Although many believe that Easter is a Christian holiday or even some sort of hybrid between Christian and Germanic Religious beliefs, I can assure you that it goes much further. According to the book, “Two Babylons,” author Alexander Hislop states that the term Easter comes from Chaldean origin, for the name Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the Queen of Heaven. It goes even further back to the goddess Ishtar as you will read later on.

According to historians from the early 19th century, Easter originated with Ostara (or Ēostre) , the Pagan (Saxon) Germanic Goddess of Spring. It was Northern European culture that introduced the hare or rabbit into the whole idea of Easter. Ostara was the Goddess of Fertility, bringing an end to the Winter season and a new rebirth of life in Spring. 


The hare or rabbit, which was well known for its propensity for rapid reproduction, was Ostara’s sacred animal. What many are not aware of is the fact that the Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny were also older in origin than one would think. They were actually celebrated in festivals all the way back in Mesopotamia at the Feast of Ishtar. The rabbit symbolized fertility, given the fact that rabbits have been known to become impregnated with a second litter while pregnant with the first litter. Also, in the Epic of Gilgamesh an “intersexual” being comes to rescue Ishtar from the Underworld while ancient customs in various mythology spoke of rabbits that were symbolized as being “hermaphrodite,” having both male and female parts just as the intersexual creature in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

According to belief, The god Papsukal reports the entire situation to Ea (the king of gods) that Ereshkigal is holding Ishtar against her will in the Underworld. Ea manifests an intersex being called Asu-shu-namir and sends it to Ereshkigal, commanding it to invoke "the name of the great gods" against Erishkigal and to ask for the sacred bag containing the waters of life. Ereshkigal is enfuriated when she finds out Asu-shu-namir's demand, but she has to give it the water of life. So Asu-shu-namir drops water from the bag onto Ishtar and revives her. Then Ishtar passes back through the seven gates into the realm of the living.


In history the Easter eggs symbolized rebirth or new life. Many believe that it related to the resurrection of Jesus Christ but it does not. Long before Christ walked the earth, this custom was already taking place in the cradle of civilization, Assyria and Babylon. Eggs have always been regarded as a symbol of new life. To this day many superstitious people still use eggs to predict the sex in an unborn baby, by watching the rotation of an egg suspended by a string over the stomach of a pregnant woman.

Going even further back you will find in the story of Ishtar, the Babylonian “mother of the gods” whose very existence was said to have come from an egg. According to ancient Babylonian mythology, Ishtar came from a golden egg that descended from heaven. It survived the deluge (the flood of Noah’s day) and the fish pushed it onto the land. Then the birds sat upon it until it hatched, giving life to the deity Ishtar. 

The more you look into the story of Ishtar (especially in the Epic of Gilgamesh) the more you will find striking resemblance to other stories in mythology from Roman, to Greek, to Egyptian. Why do you think that is? That is because all mythology started from Babylon and evolved within each different civilization, making slight changes but not enough to detract from the ancient origins.

You see, Ishtar is none other than the Germanic Goddess Ostara, the Sumerian Goddess Inanna, the Greek Goddess Persephone or the Roman Goddess Proserpina (not to mention even more). Look the stories up, they are all similar. Easter is also a time in ancient mythology where the resurrection of the god Tammuz was celebrated, the lover of Ishtar.

The facts stand to point to the Goddesses of Rome, Greece, Sumer and Egypt having all come from one source, Babylon. All Easter origins come from here. You can agree with me or disagree, the history doesn’t lie. And if you search hard enough you will find that many gods or goddesses all derive from the very beginning of false gods, Tammuz and Ishtar.

If you read the Epic of Gilgamesh you will see the similarities to the stories of Persephone, Proserpina, Adonis and even some Egyptian mythology such as Isis and Osiris. Although, some characters change in some stories, the outline remains the same. 


In Roman mythology, Venus sends her son Cupid to shoot his arrow at Pluto in order for him to find love. He comes out of the volcano Etna with four black horses named Orphnaeus, Aethon, Nycteus and Alastor. He then kidnaps Proserpina to the Underworld where he is ruler. Her mother, Demeter (or Ceres) goes searching the entire earth for her. Pluto tricks Proserpina to eat three seeds from a Pomagranate in order to entrap her in the Underworld.

She is now forced to spend three months out of the year with Pluto in the Underworld each year. According to Roman customs and beliefs, that is why the seasons change. During winter is when Proserpina goes to the Underworld and that is why her mother Demeter allows the earth to become barren, because she misses her. However, when Spring arrives all the blossom’s bloom and vegetation is abundant because Demeter’s daughter returns to her.

So in conclusion, this article is not to rain on your proverbial parade about your beliefs in Easter, but to be a wake up call. Just because you want something to be about Jesus doesn’t mean it is. Just because you want it to be about roses and flowers, fluffy bunnies and carefully decorated eggs doesn’t mean it is. Most everything that is known as a holiday comes from pagan origin, even if you wish to believe it is somehow Christian.

J'aime Rubio (copyright) 2012

Thank you Jes Alexander for allowing me to use your photo of Ishtar(Astarte).

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Dark History Behind The Nursery Rhyme- "Mary, Mary"

One of my all time favorite Mother Goose Rhymes, "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" actually isn't such a lovely story if you dive into the dark history behind the rhyme. You see, as a child your mother may have read that poem to you lots of times and you may have envisioned a beautiful lady walking around her garden with pride. Showing off her beautiful spring blooming flowers for all to see, with her "silver bells" and "cockle shells" and "pretty maids" as flowers with women's faces on them. But in actuality this poem, like many Mother Goose Rhymes has a dark and sinister meaning.

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells,

And cockle shells,

And pretty maids all in a row"- Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme

The Mary that is portrayed in this nursery rhyme is none other than Mary Tudor, also known in historical infamy as "Bloody Mary". Mary was the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon (the first wife of Henry VIII). It seems that in an attempt to break away from the Church of England, she tried to revert back to the Catholic Church as soon as she became Queen. It was said that she persecuted and murdered many Protestants. Her reign of terror became widely known over the course of history, thus giving her that well deserved title of "Bloody Mary".

There are several interpretations of what people think the meaning of the poem was. Some say that the silver bells stood for Catholic Cathedral bells, the cockle shells stood for the pilgrimage to Spain and the pretty maids in a row stood for a row of nuns.

Others claim the meaning was about torturing her victims. Silver bells stood for thumb screws that were torture devices, cockle shells that was a genital torture device and the pretty maids in a row stood for the people lining up to be executed by the Halifax Gibbet, which is the same as the guillotine. This interpretation I believe to be the real one, as the meaning of "How does your garden grow?" is said to refer to the cemetery, being that the more deaths, the more the cemetery "garden" would grow.

As with all the interpretations,  the mystery behind which one is the true origin still remains. 

It is very interesting to think that in that time period that people had to preserve history any way they could. If it meant they had to write a song or poems in order to pass down the truth that perhaps the leaders of the Country tried to cover over then that's what people had to do. I find it rather clever that many of the Mother Goose nursery rhymes have so many double meanings and all it takes is a little research to uncover the truth behind these bed time tales!

J'aime Rubio c/o Dreaming Casually - (Copyright) Originally Published 2011

All the content that is published on this site under my profile DREAMING CASUALLY © is my property and is protected by all applicable Copyright Laws. No part of my work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from me, the publisher/author J'aime Rubio.